Gaming has long held a bad reputation for its connection with gambling and indolence. Despite this stigma, 18th-century composers and writers began toying with gaming as an engaging avenue to education, to great success.
Join Kyle Collins of Governor’s Musick as he explores the music featured in two 18th-century games: a Goose-like board game aiming to teach young ladies the amenable path to marriage, and a musical dice game owned by Thomas Jefferson.
Other Experiences
Music: Governor's Musick In the Wythe Parlor
Join members of the Governor’s Musick in the gentry setting of the Wythe House parlor as they illustrate domestic music on period instruments.
CW Admission
Performance: Visit with George Wythe
Step into the past with George Wythe, teacher, lawyer, judge, and revolutionary. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges he faced.
CW Admission
Organ Recital - Grant Holcomb
Come and see this beautiful 350-year-old worship space and experience a candlelit recital by Grant Holcomb, organist from River Road Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia.
Open to the Public