Richmond's acclaimed Pocahontas Reframed Film Festival comes to Williamsburg to share a series of short films written, directed, and produced by Indigenous artists. This free program features 12 films with rich subject matter depicting Native American life of today and the past. Learn how the land and rivers are central to Indigenous worldviews and meet artists and storytellers honoring and continuing the traditions of their ancestors.
The Pocahontas Reframed Film Festival honors the contributions of Native Americans and reinvigorates conversations about telling stories of indigenous life. The festival, the only one of its kind on the East Coast, brings together artists, authors, cineastes, and actors who share a passion for film. In the past, filmmakers have used demeaning stereotypes when incorporating Native characters or storylines, which lack nuance, accuracy, and complexity. The Pocahontas Reframed Film Festival offers new insight into previously under-told narratives.
Other Experiences
Special Event: Custis Square Community Open House
Join us for a day of archaeology at Custis Square! Free flow exploration all day and conversations with George and Martha Washington.
Open to the Public
Special Event: Cherokee History and Culture
Join John Tooni for an evening of history and storytelling from the Cherokee culture.
Art Museums Admission
Bassoon & Organ Recital
Join us in this beautiful 18th-century worship center and enjoy a candlelit recital by bassoonist Elizabeth Roberts and organist Rebecca Davy.
Open to the Public