Presentation: Musket Demonstration
Military Programs staff will demonstrate the loading and firing of the musket. Experience the sounds and smells a soldier experienced during the Revolution.
Open to the Public
Tour: Museum Highlights
Discover highlights from Colonial Williamsburg’s diverse collections during a guided tour.
Open to the Public
DIY Craft: Quilting
Discover the story of Emma Russell, quilter, and enjoy a mini-quilting project.
Open to the Public
Event Ticket
Presentation: Order in the Court
After a short exploration of the Courthouse and its surroundings, participate in a local court session where lives, liberties, and property are contested.
CW Admission
Performance: Visit with Colonel George Washington
Step into the past with George Washington, Colonel of the Virginia Regiment. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges he faced.
CW Admission
Presentation: Firing of the Noon Gun
The noon gun signaled a cessation of morning drills and work parties and a start to preparing the midday meal.
Open to the Public
Map & Program Guide
Download our printable map and guide to help plan your path around the largest outdoor educational living museum in the country.
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Conversation: Meet a Person of the Past
Meet people of the past at Charlton's Coffeehouse for some informal conversation or activity.
CW Admission
Music: Governor's Musick in the Geddy House
Join members of the Governor’s Musick in the Geddy House as they illustrate domestic music on period instruments.
CW Admission
Museum Discoveries: Pop-Up Archaeology!
Stop by the Art Museums for a special pop-up exhibition of recent finds from Custis Square, along with artifacts from some of Colonial Williamsburg’s most iconic sites.
Open to the Public
Performance: Visit with James Madison
Step into the past with James Madison, Scholar Statesman.
CW Admission
Evening Program: Haunted Williamsburg
Brave centuries of scares, from 18th-century colonial ghost stories to creepy modern-day encounters!
Open to the Public
Event Ticket