Lose yourself in the Spirit of ’76! Hear the stirring sounds of Revolutionary War field music, courtesy of the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums. Join the corps as they march down Duke of Gloucester Street.
On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, march with the Fife and Drum Corps from Market Square (behind the Courthouse) to Capitol Circle.
Then, on Saturdays, march with the Fife and Drum Corps from Capitol Circle to Palace Green.
Other Experiences
Presentation: Musket Demonstration
Military Programs staff will demonstrate the loading and firing of the musket. Experience the sounds and smells a soldier experienced during the Revolution.
Open to the Public
Performance: Beyond The Walls
The scholars of the Bray school have a lot that they can learn from the tiny creatures within its walls.
CW Admission
Public Auction
Take part in an exciting auction! Bid on selected items from Colonial Williamsburg stores as well as exclusive items not available elsewhere.
Open to the Public