In late 1718, a Royal Navy expedition, dispatched from Virginia, killed Blackbeard the pirate off the coast of North Carolina. At that same time, 15 members of his crew were captured and brought to the Public Gaol in Williamsburg. They were tried for piracy at the Capitol by Virginia Governor Alexander Spotswood in early 1719. Join in this recreation of the actual trial of Israel Hands, a member of Blackbeard's crew. Hear the evidence and make a judgment! How would you sentence a pirate? Due to the subject matter, this program is not recommended for young children.
Parking near the Historic Area is recommended. If you plan to park at the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center, please check the bus schedule.
Other Experiences
Presentation: Good Stories about Great Stuff
Join a curator, conservator, educator, archaeologist, or historian to discover who created an object, who owned it, and how it ended up in the Colonial Williamsburg Collection.
Open to the Public
Music: When Nancy Geddy on the Spinet Plays
The Governor's Musick delves into the life of a young woman in Williamsburg who studied music to elevate her societal position.
CW Admission
Performance: Visit with Ann Wager
Step into the past with Ann Wager, Educator of free and enslaved children. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges she faced.
CW Admission