The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation’s 2021 Annual Report is available to view. Learn about highlights from 2021, which included discoveries at the Williamsburg Bray School, historic First Baptist Church site and the Powder Magazine; accolades for Museum Theater programming; and record-setting fundraising performance thanks to gifts from generous donors. Scroll down this page for further information about 2021 financial results.
Click here for previous Annual Reports.
During 2021, the Foundation made significant progress to fulfill its educational mission while delivering strong financial results.

Growth in donor restricted endowed funds over time demonstrate the impact our generous supporters are making in sustaining and advancing the Foundation’s mission. Unrestricted board designated endowed funds have been managed with the long term as well as immediate needs in mind. Colonial Williamsburg’s endowment traces its beginnings to a generous $15 million unrestricted gift that John D. Rockefeller Jr. made in 1952, in accordance with his view that the Foundation should have educational, interpretive and preservation programs and resources supported well beyond the revenue provided by visitors.
Gifts and endowment support comprised 62% of the Foundation’s revenues in 2021.

A total of 79,461 donors renewed their support of Colonial Williamsburg in 2021 and they were joined by 10,971 new donors.

Donors contributed a record $21.17 million in annual gifts through the Colonial Williamsburg Fund. Generous supporters also provided $81.26 million in restricted gifts during 2021.

Outright gifts, deferred gifts and pledges formed total giving by donors in 2021.