Ornamental Separator

Thank You

We achieved so much in 2022 in partnership with our generous supporters. We shared the stories of 18th-century Williamsburg through a new street theater program, our first American Indian Nation Builder and engaging interpretive and educational programs. Discoveries provided new clues about the original First Baptist Church structure and the community who worshipped there, as well as the authentic colonial appearance of the Powder Magazine. Our windmill and brickyard moved to new locations, expanding our efforts to highlight the craftspeople who supplied and sustained colonial Virginia. These are just a few of the ways that donors advanced our mission.

In the coming year we plan to break ground on the much-needed Campbell Archaeology Center and move the nationally significant home of the Williamsburg Bray School to the Historic Area. Our farming and gardening trades will grow at their larger, more accessible locations. And we will deepen connections with organizations that further our understanding of our nation’s formative years.

Please join us as we preserve this national treasure, educate visitors about early America and convene conversations about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Thank you.