17 Results for tag "Military"
Presentation: Musket Demonstration
Military Programs staff will demonstrate the loading and firing of the musket. Experience the sounds and smells a soldier experienced during the Revolution.
Music: Fife & Drum March
The Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums, representing military field musicians, march down Duke of Gloucester Street.
Presentation: The Necessity of Order in Battle
Witness a demonstration of tactics that are crucial to success in combat.
Presentation: Firing of the Noon Gun
The noon gun signaled a cessation of morning drills and work parties and a start to preparing the midday meal.
Special Event: Veterans Day Proclamation
Our Veterans Day begins at 10:00 a.m. with a ceremony on Palace Green honoring the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Special Event: Salute to the Heroes
A lone bagpiper plays from the Governor's Palace in a heartfelt tribute to honor those men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Special Event: A Veterans Day Salute & Procession
Join us this Veterans Day weekend for a march and ceremony honoring America's veterans.
Presentation: To Paint for War
Discover the warfare of the Eastern Woodlands tribes and nations and its lasting legacy in the United States.
Hands-On: Under Arms
Guests of all ages will step into the shoes of soldiers enlisting in the army during the American Revolution.
Presentation: The Shawnee and Dunmore at War, 1774
Discover how Indigenous alliances, the Proclamation of 1763, and settlers’ quest for land contributed to the 1774 Shawnee-Dunmore War and why choosing a winner isn't always clear.
Music: Fife & Drum
Watch and listen to the Fifes and Drums as they demonstrate the music and drill of various military ceremonies from an 18th-century soldier's working day.
Performance: Visit with Colonel George Washington
Step into the past with George Washington, Colonel of the Virginia Regiment. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges he faced.