36 Results for tag "Music & Dance"
Evening Program: Palace Concert
Colonial Williamsburg's early music ensemble, the Governor's Musick, offers an elegant evening of chamber music.
Music: Fife & Drum March
The Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums, representing military field musicians, march down Duke of Gloucester Street.
Special Event: Lighting of the Cressets
Join us on the historic Duke of Gloucester Street as we bring our 18th-century streets to life at night.
Music: Governor's Musick in the Wythe Parlor
Join members of the Governor’s Musick in the gentry setting of the Wythe House parlor as they illustrate domestic music on period instruments.
Historic Organ Recital - Rebecca Davy
Rebecca Davy, Music Director at Bruton Parish Church, gives a recital on the Historic English Chamber Organ, one of Colonial Williamsburg's 18th-century instruments.
Music: How to Play the (18th-Century) Violin
The violin was played by all classes and in all settings in 18th-century Virginia. Come hear how this instrument was played; it is easier said than done.
Music: Governor's Musick in the Geddy House
Join members of the Governor’s Musick in the Geddy House as they illustrate domestic music on period instruments.
Evening Program: Dancing at the Governor's Palace
"Virginians will dance or die" wrote an 18th-century diarist. What better time than the 21st century to learn a few "new" dance steps? Audience participation encouraged.
Performance: Coffee Cantata
Mrs. Charlton’s daughter is in love with the delicious juice of the coffee bean! A comedic ballad opera based on Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Coffee Cantata.”
Music: The Art of Fifing & Drumming
Join the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums as they demonstrate the many musical tasks and ceremonies that occurred throughout a revolutionary soldier's day.
Special Event: Williamsburg Military Tattoo
Guest units join the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums for a thrilling torch-lit march down Duke of Gloucester Street.
Music: Governor's Musick at the Art Museums
Learn how the evolving and bombastic battle sonata helped shape an American musical identity separate from Britain.
Music: When Nancy Geddy on the Spinet Plays
The Governor's Musick delves into the life of a young woman in Williamsburg who studied music to elevate her societal position.
Williamsburg's Twilight at the Square Piano
Journey through the final years of Williamsburg as Virginia’s capital with piano music discovered in the evanescent city.
Evening Program: A Lesson with the Dance Master
Join the Dance Master for an immersive, exclusive 18th-century dance lesson in the Raleigh Tavern.
Historic Organ Recital - Norman Elton
Norman Elton, organist at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, gives a recital on the Historic English Chamber Organ, one of Colonial Williamsburg's 18th-century instruments.
Student Violin Recital
Enjoy a student violin recital in this beautiful 350-year-old worship space. Presented by the Violin Studio of Loretta McCray from Richmond, Virginia.
The Great American Songbook
Sing away the winter blues with The Williamsburg Choral Guild in a concert of songs from the Great American Songbook.
Start Me Up for 2nd Sundays Williamsburg
Start Me Up, for Second Sundays Williamsburg. A kick-off for their 16th season with Rolling Stones Tribute band Wilder Horses!
Chamber Recital
See this beautiful 350-year-old worship center and enjoy a recital by organist Cheryl Van Ornam, flutist Chris Ertell, and cellist Jacquelin Spears from Richmond, Virginia.
Organ Recital - Agnes French
Experience a candlelit recital by Agnes French, organist from Williamsburg, Virginia, in this 18th-century worship space.
Organ Recital - Dr. JanEl Will
Enjoy a candlelit recital by Dr. JanEl Will, organist at Bruton Parish Church.
Chamber Recital: Fire and Ice
Enjoy the chamber recital Fire and Ice: Music by Women of the Italian Baroque. Presented by Morayo Akande, Leah Wenger, Katerina Kotar, and Cameron Kuzepski.
Music of J.S. Bach
Get ready for an extraordinary candlelight chamber recital of J.S. Bach's music in celebration of the 340th anniversary of his birth.
Youth Choir Concert - City Singers
City Singers from Richmond, Virginia present a concert directed by Leslie Dripps.
Treble Choral Evensong
Enjoy a concert in this 350-year-old worship center presented by youth choirs from Christ & St. Luke's Episcopal Church, St. Bede Catholic Church, and All Saints Episcopal Church.
Handbell & Choral Concert
Enjoy a Handbell & Choral concert in this 350-year-old worship center presented by the Westminster Presbyterian Church Choir & Handbells from Alexandria, VA.
Historic Organ Recital - Sarah Bland
Sarah Bland, organist at Hickory Neck Episcopal Church, gives a recital on the Historic English Chamber Organ, one of Colonial Williamsburg's 18th-century instruments.
Historic Organ Recital - Thomas Marshall
Enjoy this Historic Organ Recital in the Wren Chapel at the College of William & Mary performed by Thomas Marshall, organist at Williamsburg United Methodist Church.
Music: Viola da Gamba, From England to Virginia
Join Governor’s Musician Brady Lanier in exploring the musical journey of the viola da gamba from England to Virginia.
Anastasia: The Musical (Youth Edition)
Join Providence Classical School as they explore the magic of what-if in this delightful musical about the hope of a lost Romanov princess in Anastasia: The Musical (Youth Edition)
Fun Facts About Harpsichords
Discover everything you need to know about harpsichords. This 18th-century musical instrument resembles a piano but operates differently. Read on to learn more.
New Hunting Shirts for the Junior Fifes and Drums Corps
For many, the sight and sound of the Fifes and Drums marching down the Duke of Gloucester Street is iconic to Colonial Williamsburg. Sadly, this has not happened in over a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the senior and junior corps are not marching, behind the scenes our …
Exploring African American History Through Music
Learn about the instruments that have been a part of African Americans' music during the 18th century. Watch the video to discover history through music.
Tavern, Palace, and Parlor
A Look at Where Music was Made in 18th-Century Williamsburg.
The Bird Fancyer’s Delight
New species of birds were discovered, and new vocations and artwork sprang up relating to birds and bird catching. Pet birds were taught to sing.