St. George Tucker House
Donor Reception Center
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Site: Capitol
Rediscover the founding principles of our American government.
CW Admission
Historic Site: Courthouse
Participate in the proceedings of the colonial court.
CW Admission
Historic Site: George Wythe House
Visit the site where Thomas Jefferson studied law and enlightenment ideas.
CW Admission
Historic Site: Governor's Palace
Explore the residence of Virginia's royal governors.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Site: Guardhouse
Protecting the Powder Magazine
CW Admission
Map & Program Guide
Download our printable map and guide to help plan your path around the largest outdoor educational living museum in the country.
Click to Download-
Historic Site: Presbyterian Meetinghouse
Visit the only authorized place of worship for dissenting Protestants in Williamsburg before the Revolution.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Site: Public Armoury
Witness the effort of diverse individuals to support the Revolutionary War at this industrial complex.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Site: Public Gaol (Jail)
Explore the cells where prisoners were held as they awaited trial and punishment.
CW Admission
Historic Site: Raleigh Tavern
Discuss the meanings of liberty and equality.
CW Admission
Historic Site: Williamsburg Bray School
The Williamsburg Bray School was one of the earliest institutions dedicated to Black education in North America.
Open to the Public
Handicap Accessible
Historic Trade: Blacksmith
Watch as blacksmiths take red-hot iron from the fires of their forges and hammer it into a variety of tools, hardware, and weapons.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Trade: Brickmaker
Discover the process of making bricks used in building projects around town.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Trade: Cabinetmaker & Harpsichord Maker
Watch expert woodworkers fashion the intricate details of luxury products with period hand tools.
CW Admission
Historic Trade: Carpenter
Discover the process of carpentry from tree to structure.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Trade: Cook
Watch as cooks prepare historically-accurate dishes.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Trade: Cooper & Wheelwright
Watch as wheelwrights construct and repair historical vehicles and coopers create everyday items like buckets.
CW Admission
Historic Trade: Founder
See skilled hands at work crafting bronze, brass, silver, and pewter into magnificent 18th-century-style items.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Trade: Gardener
Watch the historic gardeners use 18th-century tools and techniques to grow herbs, vegetables, and decorative flora.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Trade: Joiner
Watch as joiners use saws, planes, hammers, and other tools to fashion wood into the pieces of a future building.
CW Admission
Historic Trade: Milliner & Mantua-Maker
Stop by the milliner for the latest 18th-century fashions.
CW Admission
Historic Trade: Silversmith
Watch silversmiths create flatware, hollowware, jewelry, and more using 18th-century techniques.
CW Admission
Historic Trade: Tin Plate Worker
See the tin plate workers snip, shape, and bend tin plate into kettles, cups, and other items.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Historic Trade: Weaver
Watch how flax, cotton, and wool are converted from tangled masses into orderly, precise fabrics.
CW Admission
Handicap Accessible
Rare Breed: Chickens
Dominique, English Game Fowl, and Nankin Bantams
Open to the Public
Rare Breed: Horses
Cleveland Bay & American Cream Draft
Open to the Public
Rare Breed: Oxen
American Milking Devons & Shorthorns
Open to the Public
Rare Breed: Sheep
Leicester Longwools
Open to the Public
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum
Art by Self-Trained Artists
Open to the Public
Handicap Accessible
Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg
Fine Craftsmanship and Imaginative Folk Art
Open to the Public
Handicap Accessible
DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum
British and American Fine and Decorative Arts
Open to the Public
Handicap Accessible
Wren Building
Tour the oldest academic structure still in use in America at the College of William and Mary. Stop by at 10 a.m. on Saturday to hear a recital performed in the Wren Chapel on Colonial Williamsburg's antique organ. Hours su…
Open to the Public
Handicap Accessible
Bruton Parish Church
Walk Where Founders Worshiped
Open to the Public
Handicap Accessible