In 1783, the Montgolfier brothers sent up the first occupied hot air balloon in front of thousands of witnesses in Versailles, including Queen Marie Antoinette, King Louis XVI, and Benjamin Franklin. We portray the events through the eyes of the passengers: a rooster, a duck, and a terrified sheep named Montauciel.

Other Experiences
Conversation: Meet and Greet the Rare Breeds
Our Coach & Livestock team cares for over 100 rare breed animals, from lambs to cows to chickens to horses. Discover how they ensure these animals' safety and proper care.
CW Admission
Performance: Measure of a Man's Worth
While conversing with Major James Innes, Benjamin, an enslaved carriage driver, gradually learns what the revolution has in store for enslaved men and women in Williamsburg.
CW Admission
Youth Choir Concert - City Singers
City Singers from Richmond, Virginia present a concert directed by Leslie Dripps.
Open to the Public